Welcome to our Home in the Bush
Thank you dear valued guest for sharing our home with us. We hope you enjoy your time here as much as we do, in peace, tranquillity and at one with nature. This is our home and we kindly ask that you treat it as your home for your stay and respect it and the environment that is Marloth Park as you would your own. To make your stay a little more pleasant, we’ve included in this booklet, a list of the general rules of Marloth Park, some handy tips and emergency contact number for all situations. As Marloth Park is a registered Conservancy, we have also included details of the various organisations that care for Marloth on a daily basis, without whom, we would not have the privilege of what we have now.
I hope that you enjoy your stay and leave with warm, happy memories and a yearning to return soon.
Kindest Regards SADADU
Gate Security
Rules of Marloth
o Speed
o Pets
o Noise, Parties, Use of machinery etc
o Walking Around After dark – 6pm to 6am
o Parklands
o Flora & Fauna
o Braai Wood
o Poaching, Shooting, Cross Bows, “Ketties”
o Spotlights
o Off Road Bikes and Quadbikes
Fires & Fire Hazards
Feeding of Animals
Refuse Removal & Recycling
Home Safety & Security
Water Conservation
Soil Conservation – no raking etc
LEO’s and their role
Rangers and their role
List of MP organisations, contact details, bank account details so that they can donate if they want, and their roles such as:
WTF, HR’s, Conservancy etc
Emergency Numbers
Please cooperate with the Security Personnel at the Entrance Gates. They are acting upon instruction to have the Entrance Register completed by all visitors to Marloth Park. They are also under instruction to check vehicles for the removal of flora and fauna which is prohibited. This is for your safety and that of our animals as well as the Conservancy as a whole.
This is for the safety of the animals and pedestrians.
Pets include:-
Dogs , Cats , Birds ,Monkeys , Fish , Pigs
Persons contravening this very stringent law may face a fine and the removal of their pet by the Municipal Rangers.
This is for the safety and protection of our free-roaming wild animals.
No loud noise, including music, is allowed. Please consider your neighbours as noise tends to travel further in the bush than in an urban area. From 6pm, this rule is strictly enforced by the Marloth Park Law Enforcement Officers.
Use of power machinery should be limited to normal working hours, Monday to Friday.
Generators should be used with consideration to neighbours and the environment. Please make an effort not to use these after 6pm unless in an emergency situation.
Between the hours of 6pm and 6am, walking and bicycling in Marloth Park is prohibited. We do have some of the bigger cats as well hyena coming into Marloth Park from the Kruger National Park so your safety is our concern.
For the sake of yourself and our wildlife, please do adhere to this rule.
Of course driving is in no way prohibited or restricted
The speed limit on all tarred roads is 50 kilometres per hour.
The speed limit on all dirt/gravel roads is 30 kilometres per hour.
No under-age or unlicensed drivers.
No riding on the tailgate of any vehicle.
All general national road laws pertain to Marloth Park.
Please be conscious of the damage that can be done to dirt roads. They’re easily eroded and can make them inaccessible. This is particularly important when driving on the river road.
It is strictly prohibited for any person to walk, ride or drive through the Parklands. These areas are prohibited strictly for the preservation of grazing for the wildlife.
Removal of any flora and fauna is strictly prohibited. Marloth Park has a delicate eco-balance and we strive to maintain it in as pristine condition as possible.
It is a criminal offence to remove any flora and fauna.
This includes picking up dead branches or cutting branches for any use especially as braai wood.
As mentioned above, no trees in Marloth Park may be cut or even pruned to be used as braai wood. Fallen branches are compost for the extremely nutrient depleted soil and must be left where it falls. Braai wood is available at the Entrance Gate as well as the two shopping centres.
No person, other than the Municipal Rangers are permitted to shoot any animal in Marloth Park. This includes shooting with firearms, pellet guns, cross-bows and ‘ketties’. Poachers or ‘game’ shooters will be arrested and prosecuted.
These are strictly prohibited. Please do not use them. There are safer, alternative light sources to view animals at night.
These are prohibited. Please do not bring these to Marloth Park or if you have, please keep to the official roads only and do not rid across other people’s property and most importantly, not in the Parklands.
Fireworks, crackers and Chinese Lanterns are strictly prohibited. These are extreme fire hazards and consider that the large majority of homes in Marloth Park have thatched roofs. Far more importantly, the wildlife we are privileged to live with, suffer immensely from the loud noises and light-flashes.
Please ensure that your braai fire is completely extinguished before you retire for the day. Embers are dangerous and can easily start a raging bush fire, endangering wildlife, humans and homes.
At all times remember that these are wild animals no matter how ‘tame’ they appear to be. Kudu, warthog, giraffe, monkeys, baboons, mongoose can inflict serious injury. Please keep your distance.
Feeding of the wildlife is allowed but we ask that only game pellets and lucern be put out for the animals.
These are available at:
The shopping center in marloth and at daisy’s den in marloth
Spread the pellets and lucern around otherwise our warthogs ‘hog’ it all. Please do not use feeding troughs as this can spread Bovine Tuberculosis from animal to animal.
Carrots and apples, sliced up, are favourites of the zebra, impala and warthogs but in moderation please.
PLEASE DO NOT FEED MIELIES, MIELIE COBS OR MIELIE MEAL TO THE ANIMALS. This causes colic as they cannot digest it and results in an extremely painful death for the animal.
It is STRICLY FORBIDDEN by Kruger National Park, Mpumalanga Tourist Board and the State Vet to feed any animal in Kruger National Park. This includes feeding through the fence along the river road. Bread and oranges are not to be used to entice elephants or any other animal to come closer to the fence.
Please place your refuse in a secured black bag and take it directly to the Municipal Refuse Dumpsite. There is no regular refuse removal in Marloth Park.
Please do not use a ‘baboon cage’ for your refuse as the baboons, monkeys and mongoose do get into these and risk being poisoned or cut on metal or glass.
If possible, please separate your refuse into paper, glass, plastic and tin and take it to the Recycling Centre at the Municipal Refuse Dumpsite where it will be correctly disposed of in an eco-friendly manner.
Disposable nappies carry untold risks to all the wildlife. Please do not dispose of these in the bush. For your health and that of the animals, please secure soiled nappies in a plastic bag and dispose of them directly at the Municipal Refuse Dumpsite.
Please store all valuables, particularly cell phones, laptops, cameras, tabs and other easily transported electronic gadgets, jewellery and cash in a safe, out-of-sight place. Out of sight is out of mind so please take care. If you are outside enjoying a braai under our star-spangled skies, please ensure that windows are closed and doors are closed and locked, especially if the door is not in your direct line of vision.
Firearms should be locked away as per South African firearm laws and if this is not possible, please keep it on your person at all times. Do not, under any circumstances, leave firearms laying around anywhere, anytime, any place.
Baboons are the most cunning house-breakers. If you go out, please ensure that all windows, doors and security doors are closed and locked. Of course, baboons are not the only culprits so this is a precaution for overall safety.
Be vigilant and aware at all times. Although this is the ‘bush’ the same safety and awareness rules of the ‘big city’ are relevant here too.
Marloth Park is water scarce area. Please use water wisely and sparingly. Check dripping taps and water leaks.
The upper six inches of topsoil is the most important layer of soil to ensure growth of grazing grasses. Please do not rake or sweep the open ground around the house and leave leaves and branches to naturally decompose and provide the essential nutrients to feed the soil.

Emergency numbers:
— Doctor – 013 793 7306 / 083 459 4870
— Emergency medical issue over public holiday weekends…Jacques van Zyl 072 848 4460 or 072 632 6340
— Snake bites – Dr Mel Stronkhorst 013 793 7306/083 459 4870
— Securicon Lowveld – 082 567 2350 / 0861 111 728Above numbers can be used for Securicon Emergency Medic and Ambulance Services as well .This particular service is available to non clients as well Gerhard Coetzer (owner ) Securicon
FIRE – 082 806 1611
Snake removal:
John Webb – 079 778 5359
John Webber – 071 480 6453
Daniel Louw – 082 574 0186
Riaan (Field Security) – Part time – 071 674 4596
Field Security – 082 828 1043
Adele and Miranda are the care takers of Sadadu

These are the ones who you meet when you arrive Adele and Miranda
BEWARE Any other persons then these and ask for a job you have to send Away
Waiver of Liability: Sadadu shall not accept responsibility for losses to the guests for any claims, including but not limited to: a) responsibility for personal body injury, death, accident, lost, stolen or damaged property, loss of mental or physical enjoyment, delay or inconvenience. b) Any delays or changes in schedule or itineraries incurred by any person arising out of any willful or negligent act or omission, c) the act or omissions of any party, d) monetary crisis, labor problems, economic changes, mechanical maintenance or construction difficulties or noise, climatic aberrations, local laws, novel or unexpected conditions; e) additional expenses due to delay or changes in air or other services, missed carrier connections, substitute accommodations, termination of service, cancellation of tickets, sickness, strike, war, quarantine, pilferage, monetary crisis, political or social unrest, disease, acts of God or any events beyond our control. Accordingly, the Guests covenant and agree that Sadadu, it’s owners and assigns are not responsible for any injuries or damages. Therefore, each guest agrees that he or she is voluntarily participating in any and all activities, risks, and use of the accommodation, facilities, and equipment, and hereby assumes all risk of injury, illness, damage or loss to person and property that might result. For the execution interpretation and enforcement of these House Rules, the parties expressly submit to the laws of Marloth park, hereby waiving any other jurisdiction that may now or hereafter be applicable.